List of errors
Incorrect coin - Specified coin is not supported by Cryptadium [Currency] coin is temporarily unavailable for payment.
Please try again later or choose other coin - The specified coin is temporarily unavailable for payment.
Error! Please try again later - At the moment it is impossible to create a payment in the network of the specified coin.
Incorrect amount or amountFiat - The amount transferred is incorrect or the value is less than 1.
Shop doesn't exist - The specified ShopId does not exist.
Account is inactive - Merchant with the specified ShopId cannot accept payments because it has not been activated.
Your account was blocked - The merchant account is blocked.
BillingId is required - BillingId is not specified.
The error is displayed only if CheckBilling is specified
Payment with this billingId already exists - There is already a payment created with the specified BillingId.
Incorrect amount! Min amount [Min] USD, max amount [Max] USD - The specified amount does not correspond to the limits of payment currency.
Incorrect period. Period must be greater than zero - Period for recurring payments must be greater than 0.
Payment with this billingId not found - Payment with this billingId not found.
Invalid IP - Incorrect IP address of the payer, the error may occur in case of payment via fiat.
The currency is not available from the provider - The specified coin is not currently supported by the fiat provider.
The country is not available from the provider - The payer's country is not supported by the fiat provider.
Enter Email or set EmailRequest to true - Enter the payer's Email or set EmailRequest to true to redirect to the mail entry form.
Email is empty - Payer's Email is not specified.
Can only occur with server-to-server operation
ClientId is empty - ClientId is not specified
Can only occur when working with methods for static wallets
Last updated